Shriner's Parade
I love a parade, any parade. On Saturday Gavin and I went downtown to see the Southeastern conference Shriner's parade. It was cool outside when we arrived but got really hot quickly. The parade began on time and it was very interesting. They used a partial parade route and the parade was so big that the begining met the end. I know I was at least a couple units sneak around twice. This was probably the longest parade I have ever watched. We secured our usual spot on Church Street at the beginning of the route and it took over three hours for the whole parade to pass us. At one point a few units weren't paying attention and went the wrong way. I guess when they got to the end of the street and couldn't get through they decided to turn around. There were people from Alabama, Georgia and Florida that we saw. You could tell when the Mobile Chapter was coming because they are the only ones that threw candy and trinkets. All in all the conventioneers and locals all seemed to enjoy the procession.
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