I love historic homes, I live in one, so it was very sad for me to see some of the beautiful historic buildings in Mississippi that were lost or heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina. These pictures come from the Mississippi Heritage site. You can go to the site by clicking this story title. They are accepting donations to help save historic properties. Here are some of the before and after pictures from their site.

Beauvoir in Biloxi before Katrina

Beauvoir in Biloxi after Katrina (corner view)

Beauvoir in Biloxi after Katrina

The Griffon House on Scenic Blvd in Pass Christian Before Katrina. Photo courtesy of Jenny Mahane.

The Griffon House on Scenic Blvd in Pass Christian was pushed off it’s piers by the storm surge and the front porch was washed away.

Before picture of the Carter house in Pass Christian. Photo courtesy of Jenny Mahane.

The storm surge washed out the first floor of the Carter house on E. Scenic Drive and the only thing supporting the second floor are interior wall studs and an exterior chimney. This photo was taken on 9/14.

The same house as above after the interior supports gave way. This photo was taken on 9/25. Photo courtesy of Jenny Mahane.

The 1856 Tullis Toledano House in Biloxi Before.

A three story casino barge now sits on top of the Tullis Toledano House.

Dantzler House in Biloxi Before Katrina.

The Dantzler House in Biloxi used to stand on this site.
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