I am really getting tired of these high gas prices. Last year I finally got a SUV. I have always driven small compact cars and as my son has gotten older we can't travel in a little car very well anymore. The last time we took a trip to Destin we had the trunk full and the back seat. Gavin hardly had room to fit back there and stuff kept falling on him. I was so excited to finally have an automobile that we could all travel in comfortably. Well to bad the gas prices are going up, up, up. My husband and I are planning a trip to the mountains in Tennessee this June for our anniversary and with gas prices the way they are we are going to have to take his smaller vehicle to save money. So much for traveling in comfort.
Prices updated: 5/4/2005 3:03:09 AM
Birmingham Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.125 $2.271 $2.339 $2.221
Yesterday $2.131 $2.278 $2.345 $2.215
Month Ago $2.097 $2.241 $2.308 $2.213
Year Ago $1.719 $1.838 $1.892 $1.637
Huntsville Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.171 $2.321 $2.390 $2.297
Yesterday $2.171 $2.321 $2.390 $2.302
Month Ago $2.124 $2.270 $2.338 $2.262
Year Ago $1.781 $1.904 $1.960 $1.688
Mobile Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.166 $2.316 $2.384 $2.273
Yesterday $2.174 $2.324 $2.393 $2.286
Month Ago $2.129 $2.276 $2.344 $2.222
Year Ago $1.750 $1.871 $1.926 $1.670
Montgomery Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.141 $2.289 $2.357 $2.252
Yesterday $2.142 $2.290 $2.358 $2.241
Month Ago $2.104 $2.250 $2.316 $2.225
Year Ago $1.732 $1.851 $1.906 $1.620
Tuscaloosa Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.154 $2.302 $2.371 $2.253
Yesterday $2.159 $2.308 $2.377 $2.237
Month Ago $2.097 $2.242 $2.309 $2.216
Year Ago $1.729 $1.848 $1.903 $1.612
Source: AAA's Fuel Gauge Report, the most comprehensive retail gasoline survey available. Other travel information is available at aaa.com.
Bruce Plante, Chattanooga, Tennessee -- Bruce's cartoons are from the
Chattanooga Times Free Press.and are available from Bruce's syndicate, "Plante Ink."
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