Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Artist Devlin Wilson

I thought this was pretty cool. My son's uncle is a local artist. I am not a critic so I don't know how good he is but some of the pictures of the historic homes around here I like. He has his own website but recently he had his picture on the front of the Lagniappe which is the up and coming independent paper here. I call it the downtown paper because the way of thinking in this paper is more like the people in downtown and midtown Mobile rather than those west Mobile people. Anyway, his picture was on the cover in reference to Arts Alive festival. He won an award for the 'Best Mobile Scene'. His painting was entitled 'The Peanut Man'. You can see it on his website. Just thought it was cool.

Devlin Wilson Fine Arts

The Lagniappe

Crazy Alabama Laws


1. It is illegal to impersonate a person of the clergy.

2. It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle. (Was this really a huge problem at some point?)

3. Dominoes may not be played on Sunday.

4. It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.

5. Putting salt on a railraod track may be punishable by death. (DEATH!!)

6. Boogers may not be flicked into the wind. (HAHAHAHAHA)

7. Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.

8. It is legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street if you have a lantern attached to the front of your automobile. (I keep my lantern with me at all times just in case.)

9. You must have windshield wipers on your car. (Oops, better get that fixed.)

10. You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time. (Don't think that will be a problem.)

11. Men may not spit in front of the opposite sex. (I think they need to start enforcing this one.)

12. You may not drive barefooted. (Everyone does it around here during the summer.)

13. It is illegal to maim oneself to escape duty.

14. Women are able to retain all property they owned prior to marriage in the case of divorce. However, this provision does not apply to men. (I love this one.)

15. Incestous marriages are legal. (So all you brothers, sisters, cousins come on down.)


1. It is unlawful to howl at ladies inside the city limits. (Another one that could use some enforcing. Especially around construction sites.)

2. It is unlawful to wear women's pumps with sharp, high heels. (They could make a fortune off this one.)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Uglystick and Fishbone

On Wednesday night I went to Monsoon's for a concert. Our own local guys Ugly Stick opened the evening. Ugly Stick is one of the most popular bands in the area. They rocked the house. Then the lead band took the stage. Fishbone was amazing. Yes the real Fishbone. Many of you may remember them from back in the last 80s, early 90s. It was the best concert I have seen in many many years. They played for several hours to a packed house. Everyone who is anyone in the bar and music scene in Mobile was there. That of course can be a bit scary. Needless to say I took the next day off from work.

Ugly Stick takes the stage.

Weaver serves up drinks.

Fishbone came to jam.

Noel (center) the owner of Monsoons's and friends.

Some friends from a bar around the corner.

My baby Luke taking up money and watching for trouble.

Don't try this at home!

Tim of Ugly Stick and his lovely lady, Catlin who works at another local watering hole.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Blu Bistro

Luke and I went to Blu Bistro today for Mother's Day brunch. This is my friends resturant that opened last September. It was wonderful as always. There was a big crowd and lots of kids. Normally there are not too many kids at this place. It is a southern cusine fine dining resturant. A nice place to go and have a romantic evening with someone special or a great place to take friends or clients.

They will be opening for lunch starting June 6th. They are working on their own website and you can see the wonderful menu there.

Blu Bistro

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Gas Prices

I am really getting tired of these high gas prices. Last year I finally got a SUV. I have always driven small compact cars and as my son has gotten older we can't travel in a little car very well anymore. The last time we took a trip to Destin we had the trunk full and the back seat. Gavin hardly had room to fit back there and stuff kept falling on him. I was so excited to finally have an automobile that we could all travel in comfortably. Well to bad the gas prices are going up, up, up. My husband and I are planning a trip to the mountains in Tennessee this June for our anniversary and with gas prices the way they are we are going to have to take his smaller vehicle to save money. So much for traveling in comfort.

Prices updated: 5/4/2005 3:03:09 AM
Birmingham Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.125 $2.271 $2.339 $2.221
Yesterday $2.131 $2.278 $2.345 $2.215
Month Ago $2.097 $2.241 $2.308 $2.213
Year Ago $1.719 $1.838 $1.892 $1.637

Huntsville Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.171 $2.321 $2.390 $2.297
Yesterday $2.171 $2.321 $2.390 $2.302
Month Ago $2.124 $2.270 $2.338 $2.262
Year Ago $1.781 $1.904 $1.960 $1.688

Mobile Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.166 $2.316 $2.384 $2.273
Yesterday $2.174 $2.324 $2.393 $2.286
Month Ago $2.129 $2.276 $2.344 $2.222
Year Ago $1.750 $1.871 $1.926 $1.670

Montgomery Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.141 $2.289 $2.357 $2.252
Yesterday $2.142 $2.290 $2.358 $2.241
Month Ago $2.104 $2.250 $2.316 $2.225
Year Ago $1.732 $1.851 $1.906 $1.620

Tuscaloosa Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $2.154 $2.302 $2.371 $2.253
Yesterday $2.159 $2.308 $2.377 $2.237
Month Ago $2.097 $2.242 $2.309 $2.216
Year Ago $1.729 $1.848 $1.903 $1.612

Source: AAA's Fuel Gauge Report, the most comprehensive retail gasoline survey available. Other travel information is available at aaa.com.

Bruce Plante, Chattanooga, Tennessee -- Bruce's cartoons are from the Chattanooga Times Free Press.and are available from Bruce's syndicate, "Plante Ink."

Worldview, from a different, top, worldwide cartoonist, six days a week -- For much more visit Worldview, through the courtesy of the Cartoonists & Writers Syndicate.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Carnival is Everywhere

Here in Mobile, Alabama we celebrate Mardi Gras. We have the oldest pre-Lenten celebration of this kind in the United States dating back to 1702. Pre-Lenten festivals are held all over the world. My dream would be to go to a different location each year to experience carnival all over the world. This is a link with pictures of Aruba's Carnival celebration. I love the headpieces.

Visit Aruba Carnival 2005

Visit Aruba Carnival 2004

Visit Aruba Carnival 2003

Visit Aruba Carnival 2002

Visit Aruba Carnival 2001

Visit Aruba Carnival 2000

Visit Aruba Carnival 1999