New Orleans Lives On
Luke and I went to New Orleans last Sunday. As we drove across the Twin Span traffic moved very slowly because one side was closed. The side you would think would have the damage was in good shape but the other side had huge pieces of the bridge gone. As we passed New Orleans East we had a very eerie feeling. Everything was in shambles. There were small boats everywhere and flooded cars littering the streets. It did not look like anyone had been into the area since before the Hurricane. There was no life at all, no movement, nothing.
We made our way into the French Quarter and it was bizarre to see cars parked all up and down Canal Street. The trolleys are not running yet and most of the stores along Canal are still closed because of looting. Two of the busiest parking lots were not taken over by emergency relief personnel in tents. Nobody was charging to park anywhere. Cafe du Monde was open and we stopped to bet beignets. There were crowds of people there and the horse and buggies were running. On this corner across from Jackson Square you would think nothing ever happened. We walked down to the French Market and it was open but with about half the booths. The food section was still closed and smelled like rotting fish and bleach.
We headed toward Bourbon Street and stopped several times to listen to the silence. It was very strange to be standing in the French Quarter and hear nothing but birds chirping. There were people in spots but the total of all the people would not even match the amount of people on Bourbon Street on a regular Sunday prior to the Hurricane. Most of the bars were open but there were very few places to eat. Help wanted signs were displayed in almost every business window.
It was a beautiful day and the perfect day to be in New Orleans. The city may have a long way to go but the spirit of New Orleans was alive and well and New Orleans will rise again.